

Spoken English

Key to success: Finish the book, improve English in thirty days. You have memorized about three thousand words; Please, keep moving. Listen to all audio lectures. Please, listen to the English news daily.


The spoken English course will help you to speak, write, and read English. It will help you to make a dramatic increment in your knowledge. You can improve your skills in one month. Forty lectures are included. This app has audio lectures as well just play the audio and read notes.


Why learn slang accents?                                                                                   為什麼要學習俚語口音?                        

Speaking slang sentences is a trend in Europe. English people only speak slang sentences. It is needed to improve your listening skills.


Why learn slang accents?     


 Speaking slang sentences is a trend in Europe. English people only speak slang sentences. It is needed to improve your listening skills.


  1. I am gonna help you. 1.我來幫你。

     This is for the practice of Listening.

   The correct writing style is written as below.

    I am going to help you. 我會幫你的。


  1. You could be nice to him.  你可以對他好。

  1.   You should be good with him 你應該對他好

  2.     Hi there, what I can help you with?  


Hi there, meaning:-    { How are you over there? }(what I can help you ?)


  1. How are you going?   你過得怎麼樣


     How’s you going?          (slang)

How are you going?

  1. Thanks for letting me know.  謝謝你告訴我

  2. Thanks for info

Thanks for telling me about it. 謝謝你告訴我這件事。

No worries at all.   完全不用擔心。

No problems

 When there is no problem and you are agreeing to say I am all right and there is no problem then you will say “ No worries”.



  1.   I should be able to help my brother.


  1.    I should help my brother. 


  1.    I am Good yourself. 


I am good what about you?  我很好你呢?

Hang on a minute. 等一下。

The meaning of this sentence is to wait for some time. 


         I am happy about myself.  我為自己感到高興。

Lecture 2

  1.    What about yourself?  你自己呢

  The meaning of this sentence is, what about you?


  Answer will be

          I am happy and grateful.  我很高興也很感激。


  1. I am honest with myself.   我對自己誠實。


  1. You should care about yourself. 你應該關心自己。


  1. Please, tell me the whole story about yourself.

1. 請告訴我關於你自己的整個故事。

The meaning of this sentence

         Please, tell me the whole story about you.


“They should be able to work with anyone”. This would mean that somebody ought to be able to work with anyone - perhaps that they have the ability “他們應該能夠與任何人合作”。這表明某人應該能夠與任何人一起工作——也許他們有能力

  1. When will you be able to take me to get my car?

1. 你什麼時候能帶我去取我的車

  1.  I would need the robot to be able to proactively offer suggestions.


Conversation sentence example

  • Had he heard her conversation with Sarah?

  • • 他是否聽到她與莎拉的談話

  • This conversation is not going anywhere.

  • • 這種談話不會有任何進展。

  • Did he overhear her conversation with Connie?

  • • 他有沒有聽到她和康妮的談話

  • That served another purpose when the conversation turned to the possibility of another child.

  • • 當談話轉向另一個孩子的可能性時,這有另一個目的。


  • I had no idea where this conversation was going.

• 我不知道這次談話的去向。

I will get away with it. ( I will be all right


I will get rid of this problem.     




  1. Please, Introduce yourself.

  2. How ____ it going?   ( Is, am, are,)

  3. No, worries mean ___ Problem.(no, is, am)

  4. How are you ______? ( is, am, today)

  5. I will get____  of this situation ( out, rid,go)

  6. I will get away with _____ (On , It)

  7. _____ weather is good.

  8. It _____good weather. (various, am, is)

Use of shall be able to , will be able to

 when we talking about future. 當我們談論未來

Subject(He,she,it,they,you,we,Aslam) + Shall be able to(Or)will be able to +1st Form of Verb

1.You will be able to speak perfect English very soon.


  1. I shall be able to proceed with my project.


3. He will be able to tell us the truth.


The Use of May.

For permission : 許可

May I come in? 我可以進來嗎

May I go now? 我現在可以走嗎


1.You will be able to speak perfect English very soon.


  1. I shall be able to proceed with my project.

2. 我將能夠繼續我的項目。

3. He will be able to tell us the truth


4.May I come ?  ( in , to)

5.May I go ? ( now, when)

6.You will be able to speak perfect English very ___.( often, soon)

7. I shall be able to help with my _______.  ( project , right)

8. He will_______ to tell us the truth.

When we talk about possibilities. 當我們談論可能性

Aslam may pass this year. 阿斯拉姆今年可能會通過。

May he succeed! 願他成功!

Sher may get high marks in the examination.


Notes:  Success” is a noun. The verb form is succeed, and the simple past tense is “succeeded.” Thus, “France succeeded in winning the World Cup成功”是一個名詞。動詞形式是成功,簡單過去時是“成功”。因此,“法國成功地贏得了世界杯

The use of So that ____ May, Might

Sherzaman takes medicines so that he may recover.

Sherzaman 服用藥物以便他可以康復。

In case of past tense. 如果是過去時

Sherzaman took medicines so that he might recover.

Sherzaman 服用了藥物,以便他可以康復。

I took tablets so that I might get well.


The use of Too ---To, So----cannot

The patient is too weak to walk.



The patient is so weak that he cannot walk.


My eyesight is too weak to see a film.


My eyesight is so weak that I cannot see a film.



Use of Is, am, are, was, were

In that situation, it is a linking verb. ... It doesn't describe an action. It tells us more about the subject of the sentence.

在這種情況下,它是一個連接動詞。 ...它不描述一個動作。它告訴我們更多關於句子主語的信息。

  1. He is good to me. 他對我很好。

  2. They are fine.   他們很好。

  3. It is good to know from you.   很高興認識你

  4. Zein is a good student.  Zein 是個好學生。

  5. It is good weather.   天氣很好

  6. I am well thanks.  我很好,謝謝。

  7. He was a good student.  他是個好學生。

  8. They were sure about it.   他們很確定

  9. You are brilliant in English. 你英語真棒。

  10. His writing style is fabulous.

  11.  他的寫作風格非常棒。

  12. He was happy. 他很高興。



Task 6 lecture 6 notes for class

  1. Zein ___ good student. ( is, am ,not)

  2. It is ____ weather.( good, well)

  3. I ___ well thanks. ( am,are)

  4. He was ___ student. ?( good,  very)

  5. They were ____ about it.( know , sure)

  6. You are expert ____ English. ( to , in, of)

  7. His writing style ___ fabulous. ( is, brilliant)

The use of should, Must, Ought to

The student should reach the college in time.


You must help the poor. 你必須幫助窮人。

I should guide you.  我應該指導你。

You ought to respect the teachers.


The use of Should have, Must have

He should have returned in time.


You must have helped him.



The use of Either __ Or Neither __nor

When you express doubt in sentences.


For example

Either you or your brother is at fault.


Either you or your friend has stolen my bat.


Neither I nor my brother is at fault.


Neither I nor my brother has stolen your book.


The use of Not only __ But also

He is not only a drunkard but also a gambler.


He is not only a thief but also a criminal.


He is not well but also ill.



Idiomatic composition


  1. As active as a bee   (Clever like a bee)

He is as active as a bee. 他像蜜蜂一樣活躍。

  1. As bold as a lion    ( very brave)

My son is as bold as a lion. 我的兒子像獅子一樣勇敢。

  1. As busy as a bee    ( very busy)

I am as busy as a bee. 我忙得跟蜜蜂一樣。

  1. As barren as a desert (unfertile soil)

The land is as barren as a desert.


  1. As clear as crystal     ( very clear)

He was as clear as crystal.


  1. As bitter as poison     (very bitter)

His behaviour is as bitter as poison.


  1. As cold as ice               (very cold)

Today the weather is as cold as ice.


  1. As cheap as dirt          ( very cheap)

This thing is as cheap as dirt.


  1. As coward as a jackal      (Very coward)

The enemy is as coward as a jackal.


  1.  As dangerous as a snake              ( very dangerous)

A bad friend could be as dangerous as a snake.


  1. As happy as a king                            (very happy)

My dad is as happy as a king. 我爸爸高興得像個國王。

  1. As precious as a diamond                      (very precious)

This watch is as precious as a diamond.



Lecture 9

A bad friend could be as dangerous as a snake. ( as, on)

My dad is as happy as a ____ (nice, king)

My son is as ____ as a lion.( bold, but)

I am as busy as a _____

He is a close fisted___(man,men)

He is abiding ___ the rules.( to, by)


Idiomatic Phrases


  1. A B C ( Basic knowledge )

He even does not know the A B C of music.

他甚至不知道音樂的 A B C。

I don’t know even the A B C of automotive.

  1. A bed of roses ( living easy and happy)

Life is a bed of roses. 生活是一張玫瑰花床。

  1.  A bone of contention  ( reason of dispute )

This land is a bone of contention between the two cities.


  1. A broken reed    

You can trust me; I am not a broken reed.


  1. A close-fisted man (miser)

He is a close fisted-man. 他是一個吝嗇的人。

  1. A man of parts  (A man with abilities)

Mr Jinnah was a man of parts.


  1. A  man of letters ( Saint)

My teacher was a man of letters. 我的老師是個文人。

  1. A live wire ( Very clever )

The manager of this hotel is a live wire.


  1. A snake in the grass   (Hidden Enemy)

Your friend is a snake in the grass.


  1. A rolling stone

He acted like a rolling stone.


  1. At hand  ( near )

My interview is at hand. 我的面試就在眼前。

  1. At large (free)

The murderer of the hotel manager is still at large.


Lecture 10

  1. At the top of  ( top )

I am at the top of my class. 我在班上名列前茅。

  1. Abide by ( To comply with rules )

We must abide by the rules and regulations of our country.


  1. Bad blood ( to create a bone of contention )

You should not create bad blood between two friends.


  1. All in all ( A man or woman with full authority)

Aslam is all in all in this office.


I am not all in all in this institute.

  1. Burning question (An important issue and needs an immediate response)

Poverty is the burning question of the day.


  1. By means of

  2. He succeeds by means of hard


  1. Get rid of  (get away with it)

I will get rid of this problem. 我會擺脫這個問題。

  1. Furnish with (Decorated)

My room is furnished with all the necessary things.


Gifted with ()

Allah has gifted him with a son.


  1. Glad at  (glad about something)

My father is glade at my success.


  1. Good at  ( talented)


Lecture 11


He is good at Physics. 他擅長物理學。

  1. Hand in ( To give or apply    )

He handed in the office file to me.


  1. Harmful to   ( injurious )

Tobacco is harmful to health. 煙草有害健康

  1. Hunt for ( Searching for )

The music company was hunting for artists.


  1. Ideal for   (              )

This year is ideal for cricket. 今年非常適合板球運動。  

  1. Impatient for   (            )

I am impatient to see you again.


  1. Impose on    (             )

A fair tax system should be imposed on everyone.


  1. Incapable of  (    Not able to ) 

He is incapable of making software, but he is capable of designing the programme.


  1. Infected with   (           )

He is infected with Covid19. 他感染了Covid19。

  1. Influence over  (                    )

He has no influence over there. 他在那邊沒有影響力。

  1. Impressed with    (                )



​1. Present Indefinite Tense

(He, she, it, Aslam,) + 1st form of verb(with ‘s’ or es) + Object

S + IV +S or es +O

Negative : (He, she, it, Aslam,)+does not +iv+ object

Sentences with question marks

Does+(He, she, it, Aslam,)+iv+object+?


(I,They, we, you, Aslam and Akram) + 1st form of verb + Object

S + 1v +o

Negative : (I,They, we, you, Aslam and John)+iv+object

Do+(I,They, we, you, Aslam and Akram)+object+?



Examples :

  1. I go to school daily. 我每天去上學。

  2. He finishes his study. 他完成學業。

  3. They work hard on the farms.


  1. He does not do his work. 他不做他的工作。

  2. Does he do his work? 他做他的工作嗎

  3. Do I work hard? 我努力工作嗎

  4. Does she cook food? 她做飯嗎

  5. Does Pakistan win the match? 巴基斯坦贏了比賽嗎





  1. He finishes his study.

  2. They works hard in the forms. (True, false)

  3. He do not do his work. ( true, false)

  4. Does he do his work? ( true, false)

  5. Do I works hard ? ( true, false)

  6. Does she cook food? ( true , false)

  7. Does Pakistan win the match?( true , false)


2. Present Continuous Tense


Formula :Subject+is,am,are+Iv(with “ing”) + Object

(He , it, she, Aslam )+is

(They, we, you,)+ are

I + am

Negative :

Subject + is,am,are+not+iv+ing+ Object

Is, am, are, + Subject+1v(with"ing")Object +?


Examples :

  1. He is going to college. 他要去上大學。

  2. I am working hard. 我在努力

  3. You are not working well. 你工作不好。

  4. Am I working hard? 我在努力嗎

  5. I am going out to hunt. 我出去打獵



  1. He is go to college. ( true , false)

  2. I am working hard. ( true, false)

  3. You are not working well.( true, false)

  4. Am I working hard   (True, false)

  5. I am going out to hunt.( true, false)


3.Present Perfect Tense


Formula :

Subject + has or have+ iiiv+ Object

He, she, it, Aslam, (has)

(They, we, you, (Aslam and Akram)+ I ) + have

Negative :

Subject + has or have + iiiv+ object


Has or Have + Subject + iiiv + Object+?

  1. He has gone to college. 他已經上大學了。

  2. He has not gone to college. 他沒有上過大學

  3. Has he gone to college? 他上大學了嗎

  4. .We have finished our study.


  1. You have sung a song. 你唱了一首歌。

  2. Have you seen him?  你見過他嗎



1. He has going to college. ( true , false)

2. He has not went to college. ( true, false)

3. Has he gone to college? ( true, false)

  1. We have finished our study( true, false)

  2. You have ______ a song.( sing, sung)

  3. Have you seen him? ( True, False)


4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense


Formula :

Subject + have been or has been + 1st form of the verb(with “ ing”) + Object


Negative : Subject + have or has + not + been + 1st form of the verb( with “ ing “ ) + Object


Has or have + Subject + been + 1st form of the verb
(“with ing”) + Object?


  1. He has been studying in this college.  



  1. He has been studying in this college for ten years.


  1. You have not been working hard.  你沒有努力工作。

  2. Have you been reading this book?  你讀過這本書嗎

  3. Has he been looking after you?  他有沒有照顧你


Use of since or for :

since and for used for mentioning time

  1. It has been raining since morning.


  1. He has been reading this article for ten years.


  1. Has he been reading this article for ten years?  




  1. He has been studying out this college.( true , false)

  2. He has been studying in this college since ten years.( true, false)

  3. You have not  working hard. ( true, false)

  4. Have you been reading this book?(false, true)

  5. Has he been looking after you? ( true, false)


Use of since or for :

since and for used for mentioning time

  1. It has been raining since morning.


  1. He has been reading this article for ten years.  




1. Past indefinite Tense


   Formula :

 Subject + 2nd form of the verb + Object.

Negative : Subject + did not + 1st form of the verb + Object


Did + Subject + 1st form of the verb + Object?

  1. He went to school daily. 他每天都去上學。

  2. You got admission in B.A. 你獲得了學士學位

  3. You did not go to college. ۔你沒有上大學

  4. Did you go to college? 你上大學了嗎

2. Past continuous Tense



Subject + was or were + 1st form of the verb(with” ing” )+ Object


(He , She , It , Aslam, )+ was

(They , You , I ,we, Aslam and Akram)+ were

Negative :


Subject + was or were+not+ 1st form of the verb(with"ing") + Object


Was or were + Subject + 1st form of the verb(with “ing”)+ Object?

  1. He was running towards home.  


  1. You were going to school daily.  你每天都要去上學

  2. She was not accepting a lie.  她不接受謊言。

  3. Were you going to the hospital? 你去醫院了嗎?

  4. Were they offering you the money?



3. Past Perfect Tense


Subject + had + 3rd form of the verb + Object

Negative :

Subject + had not + 3rd form of the verb + Object

Had + Subject + 3rd form of the verb + Object?


  1. He had gone home.  他已經回家了。

  2. She had not gone to college.  她沒有上過大學。

  3. Had he gotten the book?  他拿到書了嗎?

  4. I had rung him.  我已經給他打電話了。


4. Past Perfect Continuous Tense


Formula :

Subject + had been + 1st form of the verb(with"ing") + Object


Subject + had not been + 1st form of the verb(with"ing") + Object


Had + Subject + been + 1st form of the verb(with"ing") + Object?

  1. He had been waiting for the result.  


  1. He had not been writing about politics.  


  1. Had you been waiting for me?  



1. Future Indefinite Tense​


Formula :

Subject + will or shall + 1st form of the verb + Object

Negative :

Subject + will or shall + not+ 1st form of the verb + Object


Will or shall + Subject + 1st form of the verb + Object?

  1. I shall kick the bastards. 我要踢那些混蛋。

  2. He will join Intelligence services.  


  1. You will not tell him a lie. 你不會對他說謊。

  2. Will you go there?  你會去那裡嗎


2.  Future continuous Tense


Formula :

Subject + will be or shall be + 1st form of the verb(with “ing”)+ Object

Negative :

Subject + will not be or shall not be + 1st form of the verb(with”ing”) + Object

Interrogative :

Will or shall + Subject + 1st form of the verb(with”ing” )+Object?


  1. I will be going to the USA. 我要去美國。  

  2. He will not be disturbing the religious person.


  1. I shall be attending the meeting. 我將出席會議。

  2. We shall not be getting a good result.  


3. Future Perfect Tense



Subject + shall have or will have + 3rd form of the verb + Object


Subject + shall not have or will not have + 3rd form of the verb + Object


Shall or will + Subject + have + 3rd form of the verb + Object?


  1. He will have stolen my work.  他會偷我的作品。

  2. They will not have written the statement.  


  1. Will you have written my song.


4. Future Perfect continuous Tense


Subject + will have been or shall have been + 1st form of the verb (with “ing”) + Object

Negative :

Subject + will not have been or shall not have been + 1st form of the verb (with”ing”)+Object





Will or shall + Subject + have been + 1st form of the verb(with “ing”) + Object?



  1. You will have been waiting for me.


  1. I shall have been waiting for you since morning.  


  1. I shall not have been working overtime.  


  1. Will  you have been writing poems?


The dialogue between two friends.


Sher: Hi there, how you are today?


Zaman: I am good, what about yourself?


Sher: I am great, thanks. 謝爾:我很好,謝謝。

Zaman: What are you doing these days?  


Sher: Nothing new, but I am just doing my routine work.


Zaman: Wow, that is great. 扎曼:哇,那太好了。 

Sher: What are you doing? 雪兒:你在做什麼

Zaman: I am on holiday these days.


Sher: Wow! that is amazing. 雪兒:哇!這是驚人的。

Zaman: Do you have any plans for the holidays?


Sher: Yes, I am planning to go to Lahore.


Zaman: Wow! that is a good plan.


Sher: Are you travelling with friends?  


Zaman: It is right, I am going with friends.  


Sher: Can I go with you?  


Zaman: No worries at all, you can join us.  


Zaman: We all friends are going out for fun.  


Zaman: Do you have any particular suggestion?  


Sher: May I tell you?  雪兒:我可以告訴你嗎?

Zaman: Go ahead, please. 扎曼:請繼續。 

Sher: I think we should arrange a cooking competition on this tour


Zaman: Wow, it is good and a new idea.  


Zaman: And that will be a friends party, what I can guess.


Sher: That is right.  雪兒:沒錯。

Sher: Please, call me when you are ready to leave.


Zaman: Sure, I will let you know.  


Sher: Yes, please. 謝爾:是的,請。

Zaman: I will see you tomorrow.  


Zaman: Bye.  扎曼:再見。

Sher: Bye.    謝爾:再見。



Dialogue 2

Sher: What you at?  雪兒:你在幹什麼?

Zaman: Well, just busy at work.


Sher: What do you do for a job. 雪兒:你做什麼工作。

Zaman: I am an automotive engineer, and I fix cars.  


Sher: Wow, that is great. 謝爾:哇,那太好了。

Zaman: I am you good at mechanics?  


Zaman: "I like to fix cars, arranging parts and putting them together; it is all about mechanic things.


Sher: Wow! that is amazing. 雪兒:哇!這是驚人的。

Sher: I am not adept in the automotive industry, but I love automobiles.


Zaman: Now, the era has changed; we have to follow the computer.


Zaman: You can buy a scanner it will tell you what is wrong with your car.


Sher: I want to buy this scanner for myself.


Zaman: Guess what you don't need to be professional to use this scanner. 


Sher: Wow! that is lovely.  雪兒:哇!那很可愛。

Sher: What about if I buy one for myself according to your recommendation.


Zaman: No worries.  扎曼:不用擔心。

Zaman: I want to help out.  扎曼:我想幫忙。

Sher: Thanks for being nice to me.  


Zaman: Bye. 扎曼:再見。

Sher: Bye.



Solve the composition:

He is ___an article. ( reading, working)

They are ___for jobs. (searching, look)

I ___ call you at 9 Pm. (shall, am)

I wrote ___book (an, of, a)

-------they gone to college. ( Has, Have)

I wake ___ at 5 am. ( to, in , upon, up)

I wrote a letter ___the government. (to, of)

We had _____to school. (go, went, gone)

Has___stolen your pen? (he, they)

They ___going to the college. ( am, have, are)

He has been____hard. (worked, working)


Tribute to My father

Muhammad Manzoor

khan khaira

264 G.B Rajana

Interview 面試


What is your name?  My name is Sher Zaman


What is your father's name? My father’s name is Muhammad Manzoor Khan.


What is your age? I am thirty–nine/39  years old.

 你幾歲?我 39 歲 歲。

May I know about your family?  Hi there, my name is Zaman. I belong to a village and this village is called Multan. I born over here. It is a small beautiful town. My ancestor's profession was farming. I want to adopt my ancestor's profession. I want to continue my study as well as farming. My objective in life is to achieve my goals and prove myself a rare asset. I believe in efforts.


I like to do a challenging job. I love to tackle obstacles and hardships.



What do you do other than the study? I am studying as well as farming.


What do you study? I am a student of MCS.


What is the name of your favourite subject? I am good at computers, so I have decided to study computers in the future.


 What is your favourite food?  I love to eat Chicken Pieces.


What is the name of your town? The name of my town is Multan.


Do you live in a village? Yes, my town is like a modern village.


Is your village famous for anything? My city is famous for its food.


What is the name of your national hero/poet/? My hero is Alama Iqbal.


Do you like watching a movie with an English subtitle? Yes.


Do movies help us with learning English? Yes.



Absent : not present

He is absent from class. 他缺課。

Abuse : to say bad words

He abused me.  他虐待我。

Allow : to give permission

My mother allowed me to go to Australia.  


Admire : to say good words about someone

My teacher admired me.  我的老師很欣賞我。

Appear :

Arrest : to lock someone

The thief has been arrested since yesterday.  


Attack :

The lion attacks the deer.  獅子攻擊鹿。

Attempt : try to

The thief attempted murder.  小偷企圖謀殺。

Bake : to cook something

I am baking pizza today.  我今天烤披薩。


Beg : to ask for help

I am begging you a favour. 我求你幫個忙。

Behave :

He is not behaving rudely to me. 他沒有對我粗魯。 

Borrow : to ask something

Can I borrow your pen?  我可以藉你的鋼筆用下嗎?

Cause : reason

He is not the cause of my problems. 


Claim :

He claimed himself a general.    他自稱是將軍。

Dare :

You do not dare to proceed.  你不敢繼續。

Deceive :

Please, don’t deceive others. 請不要欺騙別人  

Declare :


Please, do not depend upon others.   請不要依賴他人。

Please, do not depend on others.


Describe : to mention

Please, describe yourself.   請描述一下你自己。

Dream :

I am dreaming of this for a long time.


Hire :

The company has hired me for this project.  


Migrate :

I have migrated to the USA.  我已經移民到美國了。


I will obey you.    我會服從你

Permit : to give permission

I have got a work permit.   我有工作許可證。


This area is prohibited.   



Please, do not rob others because it is a criminal act. 



Please, rescue me.   求求你救救我

Achieve : to get

I have achieved my goals. 我已經實現了我的目標。

Astonish : to be surprised

This news astonished me.   這個消息讓我大吃一驚。

Trust : to believe

Please, trust me; I am not your enemy. 


Shout : talking loud

He shouted at me.  他沖我喊道。


I am satisfied with your answer.   



I am screaming at you, and you are not listening to me. 



He vomited in the taxi.   他在出租車上吐了。


We are voting for a change in the country.   


Wander : to walk around

Why is he wandering over here?   


Assist : to help

He assisted me through getting a job


Apologize : to ask forgiveness

I apologize for any inconvenience.


Afford : to carry the burden

I can afford to go abroad.


Commit : accused of

Please, do not commit any crime either you will be jailed.  


Comply  : To obey

We should comply with rules and regulations.


Concentrate : to focus on

You should concentrate on your job.  


Convict : accused of

He was convicted of a crime.   


Cope : To deal with

I am coping with my classmates.   


Dare :

How did you dare to proceed without me?


 Decline : to deny

Your credit card has been declined.   


Dedicate :

I am dedicating this poem to my brother.  


Defend : to protect

I can defend myself. 我可以為自己辯護。  

Deprive :

We can not deprive poor people of their rights.  


Deserve :

Everyone deserves the best.  每個人都值得最好的。

Detain : to stop or engage

I had been detained in the detention centre for six months. 


Handcuff :

The thief was handcuffed.  


 Furnish: to provide

The house is furnished with furniture.  


Hesitate :

Please, don’t hesitate to talk with me.  


Please, do not hesitate to talk to me.

Impose :

He imposes on me to study medicine.


Inspire :

I am inspired by your work.   我受到你的工作的啟發。


I intended to go to the USA. 我打算去美國。 

Invest :

I invested in the food business.  我投資了食品行業。

Irritate : disturbing

Your behaviour is irritating to me.  


Misbehave: to act as foolish

You are misbehaving to me.  你對我不好。

Justify: to prove clear

I can justify myself.  我可以為自己辯解。


I never misguided others.  我從來沒有誤導過別人。

Modernize :

Now the era has been modernized.  



You should mould well into best.  



I have a lack of information.  


Negotiate: to talk about

I can negotiate with you about this matter.         



He is nominated for President.  他被提名為總統。


You owe me nothing to pay.  你不欠我什麼。

Presume :

I presumed you know about him.  我猜你知道他。

Testified :

My identity is testified by the government.  



The wind is blowing.  風在吹。


Short Essays 

Please, make 10 sentences about a chair.

It is a chair. It is made of wood. We use chairs in school, college, hospital and we use chairs in homes. The Chair has wide usage in our life. It has several types. Some chairs are made of wood, and some of these are made of plastic. Using the concept of classical chairs world has designed a wheelchair. These wheelchairs are helping special people around the globe.

Why we need a Computer scanner for looking after cars?

The computer scanners are very handy in our life. We use computer scanners to scan cars and it tells us the faults in the cars. Usually, we can attach a computer scanner switch near the fuse board. With the help of this scanner, we can scan all systems of the car separately and it provides the information if something has gone wrong to which part. It scans injectors and sensors also.


  1. Chair

It is a chair. It is made of wood. We use chairs in schools and colleges. We buy chairs for homes. There are many types of chairs available in the market. Some chairs are very comfortable. The wheelchairs are designed with the concept of the classical age. Chairs have a lot of importance in human life. Simply we can not live without chairs.


  1. Car

I have one car for my family. It is a beautiful car. It is Toyota Vitz. It is a small car. It is an economical vehicle. So I can afford it easily. It is an EFI model. There are several models of Toyota available in the market. Toyota is the best option for any buyer in the market. It has a good braking system. It has a good grip on the road while I am driving this car. I love my car so much.

  1. House

I have one house in Pakistan. My father built it. It has a good infrastructure and design. This house is forty years old. It is like a classical house. It has wooden doors. It is a very huge house. My family and I spent our whole life in this house. This house reminds me of the old memories. This house is situated in the village. I love my house very much. When I go to my village, I spent days in my old house.

  1. Village

I was born in a village. This village is nearer to the city. Whenever I need to go shopping, it is no worries at all. My village is famous for farming. The people's profession is mainly farming. My ancestor's profession was farming so, I adopted this profession as well as studying. Everything in my village is cheaper. Because of low prices, people from other cities come and buy things over here. I am in love with my village.


  1. Poverty

Poverty is the backbone of all crimes. Because of poverty, people commit crimes.

This is the reason the crime rate is high in poor countries. Theft is also because of poverty. Poverty is stopping countries to get developed. Even in the computer age, ignorant people are not able to progress. Because of lack of information, these people are living in the dark. The people even don't know the rules and regulations of the country. So, because of poverty, they end up in jail. Super nations are trying to educate these people. It is the responsibility of all to think about them and find out the solution.


  1. Computer


A computer is an electronic machine. It solves human problems efficiently. The first computer was as huge as a house. But today the computer is small. It is called pc. Thousands of companies are making computers. Now, the race is the speed of the computer. The USA made the first computer and surprised the world. Because of computers, many people lost the jobs. But in the end, the computer gave them many online jobs. Now the computer is controlling the world's technology and economy. The computer has exact accuracy. Now because of the computer, we can finish any work in minutes. Because of the computer-human has conquered space.


  1. My country





My country Pakistan. It is an awesome country. My country's economy depends on agriculture. It is a developing country. The inhabitants of this country are very hardworking and hospitable. Whenever someone visits our country, he became a fan of it. My country has some small cities and some big cities. It has some antique buildings and some modern infrastructure. My country is very populated. But men's power is playing a vital role in progression. A lot of visitors visit our country every year. The northern areas have specific beauty. Because of visitors, my country is collecting significant revenue. I love my country so much.


1.Working as a freelancer

Freelancing jobs are making a significant change in the community. In this era, everyone is after freelancing projects. Time has changed rapidly. Now people do not want to work for bosses. Now you can be your own boss and work as a freelancer. The graph of poverty and unemployment is decreasing dramatically. The companies are paying high rates to freelancers. Anyone can work with his own timetable and preference. However, an online job is a game-changer.

These days, no one has spare time for other activities. Everyone is busy doing online work. And the other thing is with no hassles you can find work anytime. There are million people guiding online that how you can figure out work scenario. There are thousands of ways to get help and start working as a freelancer.





2. Is it worth getting a stunning website for your business?


Selling products online is the new fashion.

But for that, you need a website or mobile app to proceed. A stunning website can get you out of poverty and hopelessness.

There is a competition going on amongst the individual in the society. Everyone wants to climb higher and wants to beat others.

Now, you can make your online store with a click and can reach millions of buyers online. This is a perfect and positive race of people. Everyone wants to fulfill their dreams.

You can place physical or digital products on a website and can sell out. The website acts like a robot. It means you don't have to work the whole day the website will work for you without any effort. You just have to make an amazing website and make it online, and that is all you need to nothing else. Whenever a buyer buys your product from your website, you get the alerts and money in the account.


  1. My Hero


History is full of heroes. They all worked for the betterment of the community and society. But my heroes are Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Alama Iqbal. Because of their endeavours, we got freedom. Pakistan came into being in 1947. Quid was working for the unity of inhabitants of the subcontinent. He joined congress, but soon he realised that congress was not a hope for Muslims. So he joined the Muslim league. Soon he became popular amongst the Muslims. White people of British admired his work. He gave the theory of two nations in the subcontinent. Allama Iqbal is our national poet. He gave the idealogy of Pakistan. He kindled the fire of emotions amongst the hearts of Muslims to shake down slavery.

         He wrote thousands of poems and awaked the nation. Both heroes were lawyers.

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