How to Make a tasty chicken burger

 How to Make a tasty chicken burger

Making a chicken burger is a very easy task I have ten years of experience and will tell in a very easy way.

Ingredients: ( chicken cheeseburger)

  1. Boiled chicken One cup

  1. Burger bun two

  1. Chicken spread ( buy from supermarket )

  1. Mayoneez ( buy from the market )

  1. Cheeze in tinny pieces 100 grams

Method of cooking:

You take a frying pan, put some oil in two to three spoons and add boiled chicken. Fry it for one minute then add cheese in it on the top. when cheese is melted take it away.

Now take the burger bun first add some chicken spread if you don't have it just add mayo need instead. then put that fried chicken and add a very little amount of tomato sauce. Add some lettuce and done. 

How to make a chicken shwarma burger


  1. chicken piece one cup

  1. burger bread

  1. tomato sauce

  1. mayo

  1. chilli powder quarter spoon

  1. salt half quarter spoon

  1. lemon juice

  1. lettuce

  1. chicken spread


Take a frying pan and put three spoons of cooking oil and fry chicken pieces. for two minutes

After two min put some chilli powder, salt and lemon juice and keep frying for another one min

don't burn it and take it away.

Take burger bread and put chicken spread one spoon and add mayo

after that put fried chicken and add little bit tomato sauce. Add some lettuce. if you want to add cheese you can add it at the start and put it in the oven and melt the cheese then put repeat the above process. It means put cheese in the bread melt it in the oven then put mayo chicken and tomato sauce

Your tasty shwarma burger is ready.


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