20. How do you write articles?


How do you write articles? 

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 Using verbs in articles with examples ------


Using grammar in articles. Using adverbs in articles --- 


 Using adjectives in articles with examples


With examples direct and indirect use in articles 


With examples of compound words in articles - -

 Using paragraphs in articles with examples To - -

 Include examples of using time in articles ---- -

 Include examples of using keywords in articles ------ 

Include examples of using jargon in articles - ----

 Include examples Using prepositions in articles - - 

Examples of using idioms in articles ------ 

Examples of how to write a work letter ------

Search for the article and explain according to yourself.

Tile Introduction SEO – 7 line(100 words)

How to fish in a pond? title Fishing in the pond is fun and easy. Catch a fish and your eyes will open. I want to start and go to the beach. The best way to catch fish in a pond is to attach a small piece of worm to the bait hook. But make sure the bait goes deep into the water when the fish mutters. You are more likely to use the best mechanical or pond bait. This article describes in detail the techniques and equipment for fishing. I will also mention how to increase your chances of catching fish in your pond.

Metadata – 3 lines( maximum 150 characters) use some best keywords with low kd (8 to 50) high volume search 5k to 1million etc.

Example:  Best fishing techniques - Welcome. Here you will find fishing tips and tricks.  

 Description --- 100 -130 words Example: Description: Fishing in the pond is fun and much easier. There is a fish, and when you see it, your eyes blink. I want to start and go to the beach. The best way to catch fish in a pond is to attach a small piece of worm to the bait hook. But make sure the bait goes deep into the water when the fish mutters. You are more likely to use power or better bait for fish in lakes. This article describes in detail the techniques and equipment for fishing. I will also mention how to increase your chances of catching fish in your pond. Everyone knows how to fish in a pond. I'm sure you've done this before and want to do it again with your friends and familynow how to fish, you can start fishing. All you need is strong bait.


---Description( 150 words )------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Follow the directions as we use the grammar of the article to explain each step and mention each tip. Follow the tips below. Then you will succeed. Good luck.

Best fishing bait (use tags or headlines ) 250 words each

I will describe all the stages and will mention all tips so, follow the guideline. Try to follow the tips those are mentioned below and get success. Good luck. You can use slang, but you should make it confirm with the employer what he wants. If he demands only formal content, then provide the formal content.  Mostly, in blogs, we use more slang rather than in educational articles. You could use slang in the commercial article, but you can use that as formal slang.

 You can use slang, but you need your employer to know what you want. If only formal content is required, we provide formal content. In most cases, blogs use more jargon than educational articles. You can use slang in commercial articles, but you can use it as official slang. An example of official jargon: I'll explain to you the characteristics of this car. Your item has not been rejected. It won't disappoint. 

Examples of informal terms that are not yet official, 

Trout fish live on their own and do not seek refuge in the school. 

 Examples of the use of adverbs in articles: keyword poverty Poverty structure is rapidly declining Developed countries such as the United States and China

Examples of official terms:

· We will tell you about the characteristics of this vehicle. 

· Your product never gives up ·

 I won't let you down.

 Examples of informal jargon that has not yet become official · 

Pisces live on their own and do not seek refuge. 

 It's okay, my friend.

 Examples of the use of adverbs in articles: 

Keywords Poverty ·

 Types of poverty are rapidly decreasing · Developed countries such as the United States, China, Australia, Japan, Germany and Russia are working to significantly reduce poverty in developing countries. Note. Dialects can be fast and meaningful, so you can use them and find the right one.  By the end of 2023, the poverty rate will decrease.  There is an argument that poverty will continue to decline.

 Use adjectives in your articles.

 Keywords: Tptpt 2011 

Tptpt 2011 is a very good machine Tptpt is a leading machine


/)I am letting you know about the features of this vehicle.

·       Your product did not turn down.

·       I will not let you down.

Example of informal slang that is not formal yet.

·       Fish lives independently and don't seek a school for protection.

·       You are doing well good on ya mate.

Use of Adverbs in the article

Example: Main keyword poverty

·       The graph of poverty is going down rapidly.

·       Developed countries like the USA, China, Australia, Japan, Germany and Russia are trying significantly to overcome poverty in developing countries.


the spell and punctuation check free application. Ensure there is no misstep.

 You should realize that you ought to check your work on any free spelling and syntax actually looking at programming. Furthermore, take out the mix-ups, yet shoptalk is the pattern you may have composing issues. Yet, assuming that the business requests you, then, at that point, it ought to be 100% without a composing issue. All of the shoptalk words are not formal, some are as yet casual, but rather you can utilize these. Your text content ought to have 80% just conventional substance and 20% proper shoptalk.

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You need to look with the expectation of a complimentary copyright infringement site that is substantial for a commercial centre not so much for scholarly purposes. At the point when your substance has no copyright infringement, then, at that point, you can procure from it. If not, you will be in court.

A few examples of short articles.

Step by step instructions to get fish in a lake (Introduction)

Getting fish in a lake is only a fun and essentially more straightforward errand to do. At the point when you have a fish and take a gander at it, then, at that point, your eyes will be winking. You need to get everything rolling, then, at that point, advance towards the coastline. The most effective way to get a fish in a lake is to join a little piece of worm on the snare of a trap. In any case, ensure the fishing trap dives down deep in the water where the fish is mumbled blasting. Power Bait is bound to be utilized as or best snare for fish in lakes. In this article, we will talk about fishing procedures and the gear that you can use for fishing. We will likewise specify how you can build your opportunity to get a fish in a lake. We will likewise depict the seasons, which seasons are best for fishing. We will let you know some fascinating realities about fishing that will be astonishing.

How to get my first catch?

Everybody realizes that how to get fish in a lake. I'm certain you have done it previously, and you need to rehash it with your loved ones. When you know fishing, then, at that point, you can take the plunge. What you really want is a power trap or live lure to fill your heart with joy. The most effective way to get fish in a lake is attaching a worm with a snare and tossing it into the profound water, and they sit tight for karma. Generally, fish lives in profound water and stall out in the power snare. In any case, you must show restraint because occasionally you may don't get the fish. It relies on the climate conditions and stream of water.

What to remember?

You need to ensure that you are following these tips. You should remember that you don't need to utilize everything that is referenced here in one article however needs to use as much you need. For example, I utilized in this passage "need to, circuitous discourse and should. It relies upon the article that you are composing. You need to utilize tenses, dynamic aloof, circuitous discourse, helping action words, suggestion, saying, and that is it. What's more, this is the essential part.

Center catchphrase: Title of the article - - - - Main watchword "My Favorite vehicle" Why purchase RTST 2021 games vehicle" and so forth These are additionally called fundamental catchphrases.

Utilization of Tenses in the articles.

Present endless Tense


(He, she, it, John,) + first type of verb(with 's' or es) + Object

S + IV +S or es +O

Negative : (He, she, it, Aslam,)+does not +iv+ object

Sentences with question marks

Does+(He, she, it, Aslam,)+iv+object+?

(I, They, we, you, Aslam and Akram) + first type of action word + Object

S + 1v +o

Negative : (I, They, we, you, Aslam and Akram)+do not+iv+object


Do+(I, They, we, you, Aslam and Akram)+object+?


1. I go to class every day.

2. He completes his review.

3. They buckle down in the ranches.

4. He doesn't go about his responsibilities.

5. Does he go about his responsibilities?

Present Continuous Tense

Equation : Subject + is, am, are+ Iv (with "ing") + Object

(He, it, she, Aslam )+is

(They, we, you,)+ are

I + am

Negative :

Subject + is,am, are+not+iv+ing+ Object


Is, am, are, + Subject+1st type of verb(with"ing)+Object +?

Models :

1. He is setting off for college.

2. I'm buckling down.

3. You are not functioning admirably.

4. Am I buckling down?

5. I'm going out to chase.

Present Perfect Tense

Equation :

Subject + has or have+ iiiv+ Object

He, she, it, Aslam, (has)

(They, we, you, (Aslam and Akram)+ I ) + have

Negative :

Subject + has or have + iiiv+ object


Has or Have + Subject + iiiv + Object+?

1. He has headed off to college.

2. He has not headed off to college.

3. Has he headed off to college?

4. .We have completed our review.

5. You have sung a melody.

6. Have you seen him?

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Recipe :

                  Subject + have been or has been + first type of the verb(with " ing") + Object

Negative : Subject + have or has + not + been + first type of the action word( with " ing " ) + Object


Has or have + Subject + been + first type of the action word

("with ing")+ Object?

1. He has been concentrating in this school.

2. He has been reading up in this school for a long time.

3. You have not been buckling down.

4. Have you been perusing this book?

Utilization of since or for:

Since and for utilized for referencing time

5. It has been pouring since morning.

6. He has been perusing this article for the long term.

7. Has he been perusing this article for a long time?

Past endless Tense

Recipe :

                 Subject + second type of the action word + Object.

Negative : Subject + didn't + first type of the action word + Object


Did + Subject + first type of the action word + Object?

1. He went to class day by day.

2. You got affirmation in B.A.

3. You didn't attend a university.

4. Did you attend a university?

Past ceaseless Tense


     Subject + was or alternately were + first type of the verb(with" ing" )+ Object

(He, She, It, Aslam, )+ was

(They, You, I, we, Aslam and Akram)+ were

Negative :

Subject + was or were+not+ first type of the action word + Object


Was or alternately were + Subject + first type of the verb(with "ing")+ Object?

1. He was running towards home.

2. You planned to school day by day.

3. She was not tolerating an untruth.

4. Is it safe to say that you were going to a medical clinic?

5. Could it be said that they were offering you the cash?

Past Perfect Tense


Subject + had + third type of the action word + Object

Negative :

Subject + had not + third type of the action word + Object


Had + Subject + third type of the action word + Object?

1. He had gone home.

2. She had not set off for college.

3. Had he gotten the book?

4. I had rung him.

Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Recipe :

Subject + had been + first type of the action word + Object


Subject + had not been + first type of the action word + Object


Had + Subject + been + first type of the action word + Object?

1. He had been sitting tight for a result.

2. He had not been expounding on legislative issues.

3. Had you been sitting tight for me?

Future Indefinite Tense



Subject + will or shall + first type of the action word + Object


Subject + will or will + not+ first type of the action word + Object


Will or will + Subject + first type of the action word + Object?

1. I will kick the rats.

2. He will join Intelligence administrations.

3. You won't mislead him.

4. Will you go there?

Future constant Tense


Subject + will be or will be + first type of the verb(with "ing")+ Object


Subject + won't be or will not be + first type of the verb(with"ing") + Object


Will or will + Subject + first type of the action word (with"ing" )+Object?

1. I will be going to the USA.

2. He won't be upsetting the strict individual.

3. I will go to the gathering.

4. We will not be getting a great outcome.

Future Perfect Tense


Subject + will have or will have + third type of the action word + Object


Subject + will not have or won't have + third type of the action word + Object


Will or will + you + have + third type of the action word + Object?

1. He will have taken my work.

2. They won't have composed the assertion.

3. Will you have composed my melody?

Future Perfect consistent Tense


Subject + will have been or shall have been + first type of the action word (with "ing") + Object

Negative :

Subject + won't have been or will not have been + first type of the action word (with"ing")+Object


Will or will + Subject + have been + first type of the verb(with "ing") + Object?

1. You will have been sitting tight for Sher.

2. I will have been sitting tight for you since morning.

3. I will not have been staying at work past 40 hours.

4. Will you have been composing sonnets?

The most effective method to make a work letter

1. Calling: It master

Greetings John, I am an IT master and qualified from- - - - - - - {Name of the Institute Country}. I trust in endeavours and attempts. I love to handle difficulties and will substantiate myself as a solid match for this position. I'm adaptable and dedicated. I will very much want to hear from you soon.

·       Note: You need to utilize this while sending the recommendations. 







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