14. Future Tense / Lecture 7

1. Future Indefinite Tense

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Formula :

Subject + will or shall + 1st form of the verb + Object

Negative :

Subject + will or shall + not+ 1st form of the verb + Object


Will or shall + Subject + 1st form of the verb + Object?

  1. I shall kick the bastards. میں کمینوں کو لات ماروں گا۔

  2. He will join Intelligence services.  وہ انٹیلی جنس سروسز میں شامل ہو جائے گا۔

  3. You will not tell him a lie.  آپ اسے جھوٹ نہیں کہیں گے۔

  4. Will you go there?  کیا آپ وہاں جائیں گے؟


2.  Future continuous Tense


Formula :

Subject + will be or shall be + 1st form of the verb(with “ing”)+ Object

Negative :

Subject + will not be or shall not be + 1st form of the verb(with”ing”) + Object

Interrogative :

Will or shall + Subject + be+1st form of the verb(with”ing” )+Object?


  1. I will be going to the USA.  میں امریکہ جاؤں گا۔

  2. He will not be disturbing the religious person. وہ مذہبی شخص کو پریشان نہیں کرے گا۔

  3. I shall be attending the meeting.  میں میٹنگ میں شرکت کروں گا۔

  4. We shall not be getting a good result.  ہمیں اچھا نتیجہ نہیں ملے گا۔


3. Future Perfect Tense



Subject + shall have or will have + 3rd form of the verb + Object


Subject + shall not have or will not have + 3rd form of the verb + Object


Shall or will + Subject + have + 3rd form of the verb + Object?


  1. He will have stolen my work.  اس نے میرا کام چوری کیا ہوگا۔

  2. They will not have written the statement.  انہوں نے بیان نہیں لکھا ہوگا۔

  3. Will you have written my song. کیا آپ نے میرا گانا لکھا ہوگا؟


4. Future Perfect continuous Tense


Subject + will have been or shall have been + 1st form of the verb (with “ing”) + Object

Negative :

Subject + will not have been or shall not have been + 1st form of the verb (with”ing”)+Object





Will or shall + Subject + have been + 1st form of the verb(with “ing”) + Object?



  1. You will have been waiting for me. آپ میرا انتظار کر رہے ہوں گے۔

  2. I shall have been waiting for you since morning.  میں صبح سے تمہارا انتظار کر رہا ہوں۔

  3. I shall not have been working overtime.  میں اوور ٹائم کام نہیں کروں گا۔

  4. Will  you have been writing poems?  کیا آپ نظمیں لکھتے رہے ہوں گے؟

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